Albacore Tuna NZ Steaks per kg/Fresh

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Fresh ALB NZ Stk p/kg-1
per 1 kg

1kg Pack of pre cut tuna steaks ready to cook (skinless & boneless) - Albacore Tuna Steaks are approximately 180g each.


Buy premium Albacore Tuna year round at Gourmet Seafood.
It is ideal for sashimi or sushi and other raw fish dishes. 

Albacore has a pink to white flesh and is used in cooking and raw fish dishes. Larger fish have a pinker flesh colouration and greater fat content. Solander Albacore are generally larger fish averaging around 18kg per fish.

Tuna Steaks can be cooked by grilling, barbecuing, baking, smoking, poaching or marinating. Grilled or barbecued, Tunas are best seared and left rare centrally.  Highlight with intense flavours such as charred capsicum, eggplant, balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressings on a bed of bitter greens and aioli, roasted garlic, and Japanese wasabi, soy and pickled ginger.  Alternatively, prepare a baked dinner of Tuna, with a herbed crust to seal in the flavour and prevent it drying out.

Defrosting: For best results remove from box and thaw in your refrigerator overnight; once defrosted use within 2 days.

Preparation: Albacore Tuna is a very versatile Tuna lending itself to many styles of cooking from sashimi, chargrilled, poached, steamed & smoked.  Though care must be taken not to overcook this product causing it to dry.

Season the albacore steak with salt, pepper and olive oil then on a hot grill sear on both sides being careful not to overcook (only needs about 1 minute per side to achieve medium rare).

Availability: All year round while stocks last.

Eat tuna for your health: Tuna is an excellent source of Omega 3 (approx 0.5g per 100g) which helps in lowering blood cholesterol and maintaining a healthy circulatory system. Tuna is also a good source of vitamin B3 used for the nervous and digestive systems, the skin and the manufacture of hormones.


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